Level 2 Quantum Mind -
Transformational Energetics
Training in the use of tools which expand consciousness and assist us to be of service to others on both a personal and planetary level
Level 2
Facilitated by Krishna
With the exploration of the core components of Quantum Mind level 1 we can now see that you are not who you think you are but instead are pure energy, pure consciousness. The entire environment is your body. You are the creator of this interconnected, conscious holographic multiverse of pure energy.
In level 2 we will enhance and expand your understanding of Quantum mind and apply it as a healing technique called Transformational Energetics which can be used in a clinical practice environment. Various new aspects will be learned such as Spiritual Healing Techniques which will bridge the gap between Quantum Mind and your healing table. More advanced unified field healing on a planetary level are also explored.
The training includes an experiential exploration of the following.
Spiritual Healing & Spirit Guide Assisted Techniques - Spiritual Healing is based on the art of hand laying utilising many energetic tools and techniques to shift energy blocks. Some of these tools include the use of auric surgery to effectively remove energy blocks when required and programmable tools made of light which move and transform energy. You will learn how to balance the chakras and receive the assistance of spirit guides. Training in the removal of spirit attachments, shadow self creations and dense energies within an auric field or a wide area such as a house is also an integral part of this work. Light transmissions and anchoring light codes via light language is another powerful aspect.
Application of the two point process - Learn to unify quantum mind with the world of spiritual healing by bringing the two point process to the clinic table.
Self inquiry, basic communication and clinical practice - Self Inquiry, the art of listening and being able to connect the dots via efficient note taking is vital to both understanding your clients needs and help them to feel safe.
Unified Field Healing Level 2 - Discover how to work with the Trans-Dimensional aspects of consciousness and bring this energy into your light work on the unified fields
Facilitated clinical practice - Practice on the public with your new healing skills while under facilitation.
Crystal Grid Healing Portal - During the training you will have many opportunities to use the crystal grid which rests on the land and utilize all your new skills on the unified fields of humanity or to wherever you feel there is a great need for a positive energy transmission.